PATA is made up of 10 classes. Each class contains lessons that include video content, book recommendations and other resources such as handouts or website/podcast suggestions. You can purchase a one year subscription for any of the classes individually or the entire set on the catalog page.
Introductory Class
Lessons in this class are:
- Evolution of Pay Attention to Attention
- Pay Attention to Attention, Challenges
- Basic Principles for Improving Behavior and Attention
Understanding ADHD
Lessons in this class are:
- Thinking about ADHD
- Assessment Considerations
- Medication and Other Treatment Considerations
Understanding Attention
Lessons in this class are:
- Neuroscience of Attention
- Working within our Attention Resources.
- 5 P’s & 4 S’s of Paying Attention
- Addressing Attention Interference.
Building Attention Networks
Lessons in this class are:
- Mindfulness/Meditation
- Shifting Attention
- Rebooting Attention
- Importance of Undivided Attention/Handling Distractions
- Designing a Work Environment
- Grabbing Our Attention
Attention and Executive Function
Lessons in this class are:
- Executive Function
- Point of Task Thinking
- Building Motivation
- Goal Setting
- Memory Skills and Strategies
- Self-Awareness Self-Evaluation and Self-Reflection
- Staying Organized
Building Positive Behaviors
Lessons in this class are:
- Beyond Punishing Consequences.
- Habits, Routines and Positive Practice
- Delaying Gratification and Waiting
- Rewards, Praise and other Teaching Considerations.
- Building a Positive Work Ethic
- Sibling Interactions
Working with Schools
Lessons in this class are:
- 504 Plan Considerations
- Building Motivation
- Supporting Classroom Teachers.
- Home School Communication.
- Middle School Success
- Teaching Strategies
Attention Training Activities
Lessons in this class are:
- Getting Ready, Challenges and Considerations
- Fundamentals of Attention Training
- Group and Attention Training Activities.
Points of Performance/Points of Struggle
Lessons in this class are:
- Improving Sleep/Bedtime
- Mealtime
- Help with Homework
- Screen Time Guidelines and Toxicity
- Room Cleaning and Organization
- Morning Time
- Building Cooperation and Positive Attitudes.
- Hygiene Habits. (Includes Toileting)
- Lying and Sneaking
- Noncompliance
Additional Resources
Lessons in this class are:
- Activities
- ADHD Notebook (2004)and other Handouts
- Books, Audiobooks and Readings
- Case Stories
- Websites and Podcasts
- Yoga Calm Video Series