FIRED UP is available at a cost of $100 for a 12 month subscription (not insurance billable) through the Children’s Program LEARN website.
A sample module, The Seven Anger Triggers, is provided below. For a full list of modules, click here.
All of the modules include a presentation by Dr. Jeff Sosne. Each presentation includes a printed chapter and a summary slide. Modules also include recommended readings, handouts, videos and links to other resources.
Please email questions to learn@childrensprogram.com.
To register for FIRED UP, click here.
Seven Anger Triggers
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Using the 7 key trigger words facilitates anger control. When parents or teachers describe a situation as frustrating or refer to an interruption it will be easier for a child to use strategies associated with that trigger.