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Designing a Work Environment

This module considers the different ways a work environment can be designed for your child, and how that may help their concentration and homework. 1 Reviewed Designing a Work Environment View transcript here. View the summary slide here. Previous Module Next...

Middle School Success Module

Middle School is a unique time in a child’s life, so many changes are happening all at once in their world. Many of the strategies offered in other modules of the PATA program work well for middle schoolers as well as younger children. Dr. Sosne addresses some...

Grabbing Our Attention

Discussion of the elements of the salience network that can grab our attention then allow us to shift attention to something else that is important. 1 Reviewed Grabbing Our Attention View transcript here. View the summary slide here. Previous Module Next...

Alphabetical List of Active Modules

5 P’s & 4 S’s of Paying Attention 504 Plan Considerations  Addressing Attention Interference Assessment Considerations Basic Principles for Improving Behavior and Attention Beyond Punishing Consequences Building a Positive Work Ethic Building Cooperation and...

Self-Awareness, Self-Evaluation and Self-Reflection Module

Dr. Sosne discusses how as children get older we expect more “thinking” from them. In this module self-awareness, self-evaluation and self-reflection are considered as ways to have children think more about their behavior. 1 Reviewed Self-Awareness,...