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Shifting Attention Module

This module deals with shifting attention. Dr. Sosne introduces two concepts; “GEARS” and “IT”, that can help parents in getting their children to shift attention and transition to another activity successfully. 1 Reviewed Shifting Attention...

Rebooting Attention Module

Dr. Sosne gives example of ways to reboot your child’s attention when they run out of energy to stay on task. 1 Reviewed Rebooting Attention View transcript here. View summary slide here. Additional Resources Supplemental Slides These slides were developed...


Mealtime can be one of the most challenging times of the day for families. This module will give recommendations to help make mealtime less stressful and more successful. 1 Reviewed Mealtime View transcript here. View summary slide here. Additional Resources ADHD...

Getting Ready

Dr. Sosne discusses the nature of attention and attention training. 1 Reviewed Getting Ready View transcript here. View summary slide here. Previous Module Next...

Pay Attention to Attention, Challenges Module

This module discusses how paying attention is one of life’s critical skills. Attention is central to learning, memory, and academic success, Dr. Sosne will discuss the importance of understanding attention and the challenges parents and teachers face in building...